+27 72 457 2828 




A systemic micro-emulsion herbicide for the control of certain listed woody plants for forestry, grass pastures, conservation and industrial areas.

Technical details

  • Picloram (Pyridine Compound)80 g/l
  • Fluroxypyr (Pyridine compound)80g/l
  • Reg. No./Nr. L 9724


Acacia longifolia, Acacia mearnsii, Acacia melanoxylon, Acacia saligna, Anredera baselloides, Chromolaena odorata, Cirsium vulgare, Eucalyptus grandis, Lantana camara, Melia azedarach, Peuraria lobate, Psidium guajava, Ricinus communis, Robinia pseudoacacia, Rubus cuneifolius, Solanum mauritianum

Non-selective imidazoline herbicide

Mafia is a systemic micro-emulsion herbicide for the control of woody weeds as listed in forestry, grass pastures, conservation and industrial areas. 

It contains two active ingrerdients which work together to kill the target plants listed. Picloram is a synthetic auxin (acting like indolylacetic acid). It is a selective systemic herbicide, which is absorbed rapidly by roots, green stems and leaves and translocated both upwards and downwards in the plant and quickly causing defoliation and death of the plant. It is selective to grasses which is important for livestock and game and encourages the multiplication of grasses for increased grazing capacity.

Fluroxypyr is also a synthetic auxin (acting like indolylacetic acid). It is applied as the ester form which holds an enhanced effect. After predominantly foliar uptake, the ester is hydrolysed to the parent acid (the herbicidally active form) within the plant and translocated rapidly to other parts of the plants. It then acts by inducing characteristic auxin-type responses, e.g leaf curling.

Translocation of Mafia within the target plants is most efficient during the active growth season and should therefore only be applied to actively growing plants. In soils, picloram is degraded primarily by microbial metabolism, but it can be degraded by sunlight when directly exposed to water or on the surface of plants or soil. 

Mafia can be applied by knapsack or tractor sprayer at roughly 250 – 300 litres of spray mix per hectare depending on weed density and overall size. It should be applied as a full cover spray to leaves and stems on actively growing plants with full leaf cover, up to 2 metres in height.

It is very effective as a foliar spray application on Acacia species (mearnsii, longifolia, melanoxylon, saligna ), Cirsium vulgare (Scotch thistle), Eucalyptus grandis (Saligna gum, Lantana camara (Lantana), Rubus cuneifolius (American bramble) but is not selective so will also kill or damage surrounding trees and shrubs when used in this way. Take care not to spray under windy conditions.

Mafia is also effective as cut stump treatment for Acacia mearnsii (Black wattle), Acacia melanoxylon (Blackwood), Acacia saligna (Port Jackson), Eucalyptus grandis (Saligna gum), Lantana camara (Lantana), Melia azedarach (Syringa) and Solanum mauritianum (Bugweed) to mention a few. Many other species would also be very effectively controlled by Mafia.

Rain 3 hours following application should not have an effect on the efficacy provided that the spray has dried on the target plants.

Kindly refer to the product label for more information and precautions.